Source code for bob.db.base.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <>
# Thu 12 May 08:33:24 2011

"""Some utilities shared by many of the databases.

import os

[docs]class null(object): """A look-alike stream that discards the input"""
[docs] def write(self, s): """Writes contents of string ``s`` on this stream""" pass
[docs] def flush(self): """Flushes the stream""" pass
[docs]def apsw_is_available(): """Checks lock-ability for SQLite on the current file system""" try: import apsw #another python sqlite wrapper (maybe supports URIs) except ImportError: return False # if you got here, apsw is available, check we have matching versions w.r.t # the sqlit3 module import sqlite3 if apsw.sqlitelibversion() != sqlite3.sqlite_version: return False # if you get to this point, all seems OK return True
[docs]class SQLiteConnector(object): '''An object that handles the connection to SQLite databases.''' @staticmethod
[docs] def filesystem_is_lockable(database): """Checks if the filesystem is lockable""" from sqlite3 import connect old = os.path.exists(database) #memorize if the database was already there conn = connect(database) retval = True try: conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF') except Exception: retval = False finally: if not old and os.path.exists(database): os.unlink(database) return retval
APSW_IS_AVAILABLE = apsw_is_available() def __init__(self, filename, readonly=False, lock=None): """Initializes the connector Keyword arguments filename The name of the file containing the SQLite database readonly Should I try and open the database in read-only mode? lock Any vfs name as output by apsw.vfsnames() """ self.readonly = readonly self.vfs = lock self.filename = filename self.lockable = SQLiteConnector.filesystem_is_lockable(self.filename) if (self.readonly or (self.vfs is not None)) and \ not self.APSW_IS_AVAILABLE and not self.lockable: import warnings warnings.warn('Got a request for an SQLite connection using APSW, but I cannot find an sqlite3-compatible installed version of that module (or the module is not installed at all). Furthermore, the place where the database is sitting ("%s") is on a filesystem that does **not** seem to support locks. I\'m returning a stock connection and hopping for the best.' % (filename,)) def __call__(self): from sqlite3 import connect if (self.readonly or (self.vfs is not None)) and self.APSW_IS_AVAILABLE: # and not self.lockable import apsw if self.readonly: flags = apsw.SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY #1 else: flags = apsw.SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | apsw.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE #2|4 apsw_con = apsw.Connection(self.filename, vfs=self.vfs, flags=flags) return connect(apsw_con) return connect(self.filename, check_same_thread=False)
[docs] def create_engine(self, echo=False): """Returns an SQLAlchemy engine""" from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool return create_engine('sqlite://', creator=self, echo=echo, poolclass=NullPool)
[docs] def session(self, echo=False): """Returns an SQLAlchemy session""" from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.create_engine(echo)) return Session()
[docs]def session(dbtype, dbfile, echo=False): """Creates a session to an SQLite database""" from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker url = connection_string(dbtype, dbfile) engine = create_engine(url, echo=echo) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) return Session()
[docs]def session_try_readonly(dbtype, dbfile, echo=False): """Creates a read-only session to an SQLite database. If read-only sessions are not supported by the underlying sqlite3 python DB driver, then a normal session is returned. A warning is emitted in case the underlying filesystem does not support locking properly. Raises a NotImplementedError if the dbtype is not supported. """ if dbtype != 'sqlite': raise NotImplementedError("Read-only sessions are only currently supported for SQLite databases") connector = SQLiteConnector(dbfile, readonly=True, lock='unix-none') return connector.session(echo=echo)
[docs]def create_engine_try_nolock(dbtype, dbfile, echo=False): """Creates an engine connected to an SQLite database with no locks. If engines without locks are not supported by the underlying sqlite3 python DB driver, then a normal engine is returned. A warning is emitted if the underlying filesystem does not support locking properly in this case. Raises a NotImplementedError if the dbtype is not supported. """ if dbtype != 'sqlite': raise NotImplementedError("Unlocked engines are only currently supported for SQLite databases") connector = SQLiteConnector(dbfile, lock='unix-none') return connector.create_engine(echo=echo)
[docs]def session_try_nolock(dbtype, dbfile, echo=False): """Creates a session to an SQLite database with no locks. If sessions without locks are not supported by the underlying sqlite3 python DB driver, then a normal session is returned. A warning is emitted if the underlying filesystem does not support locking properly in this case. Raises a NotImplementedError if the dbtype is not supported. """ if dbtype != 'sqlite': raise NotImplementedError("Unlocked sessions are only currently supported for SQLite databases") connector = SQLiteConnector(dbfile, lock='unix-none') return connector.session(echo=echo)
[docs]def connection_string(dbtype, dbfile, opts={}): """Returns a connection string for supported platforms Keyword parameters dbtype The type of database (only 'sqlite' is supported for the time being) dbfile The location of the file to be used """ from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL return URL(dbtype, database=dbfile)